Konstresor / Art trips
Kurdistan (Irak) Sulamani 2022 En konst symposium i Sulaimani med et 40-tal konstnärer från Euorpa och Mellanösten.
India 2013, 2011, 2010, 2017, 2020
Keep our planet alive
Goa, Delhi, Kaliyanwala, Dharampur, Mumbai, Delhi, Chandigarh
Artist from Europe USA Australia and the Arab states went to India for exhibitions and workshops together with Indien artists and children.
Doha, Qatar 2014
International Art Event, artists from the Middel East.The event took place at the Wyndham Regency Grand.
USA 2012
Greenwich Harbro art symposium
Internationella konstnårer samlades till en Metal Symposium ”She’s all screwd up”
Rezekne Latvia 2008
International Art Festival with exhibition workshop and livepainting on scen